This is a collection of a variety of small identifiable series in some cases, and miscellaneous groupings of documents in others. It is divided into 60 numbered groupings. The Terzo Piano material falls into two distinct sections: A. The bank of the Quarantotti. This bank was established in Rome during the 17th century. In 1765 the bank failed and was taken over by the Fabbrica. Its records were then incorporated into the archives. See Carla Sbrana, "Un ignorato fondo di storia economica romana: Il Fondo Quarantotti", in Cahiers internationaux d'histoire economique et sociale 1 (1972) 370-376. The Basso guide (Basso, Michele. I privilegi e le consuetudini della Rev.da Fabbrica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Rome, 1988) suggests the following subseries can be found though there are some discrepancies between the information in the guide and in the finding aid: Quarantotti copialettere, 1697-1765; Entrate et uscita, 1681-1763; Saldaconti, 1697-1765; Copie di conti partite e bancarie, 1708-1764; Ricontro, 1697-1765; Ricevute, 1710-1765; Quaderni di Cambi e contazioni, 1708-1765; Giornale, 1687-1765; Ricontri di cassa, 1715-1765; Tratte e rimesse, 1697-1765; Libri delle riscossioni, 1697-1772; Debitori, 1680-1777; Quaderni di Lista, 1697-1765; Libri delle Spedizioni, 1630-1689; Monti e Vacabili, 1741-1765; Estratti di Monte Fede e Novennale per la Rev.da Fabbrica, 1711-1763; Rincontri e rincontri di Cedole, 1725-1766; Conti diversi; 1694-1849; Libri Mastri, 1697-1866; Lettere e Recapiti, 1697-1765. B. Miscellaneous historical material. These include financial records of the Fabbrica and extensive material on particular pious bequests and testaments including that of Cardinal Giraud. Also included are: groups of records pertaining to payments for work and to workers in the nineteenth century (20 & 21); material relating to the tribunal; Opera Pia delle Scuole Cristiane (27); The Studio del mosaico in the nineteenth century (29); The cupola of St.Peter's Basilica (39); absolutiones et compositiones 1816-1863 (44); minute di Lettere della Segreteria 1821-1858 (46); Minute di lettere to various commisariats within the Papal States 1821-1869 (49); Duplicata e Rescripta 1819-1857 (51); Registri delle Suppliche 1820-1857 (54); Registri Correnti 1789-1885 (55); Rubricelle Alfabetiche 1820-1858 (56); Rubricelle 1819-1830 (57); Registri dei Mandati 1796-1819 (58); Giornale del Libro Mastro 1819-1880 (59). Note also that the inclusive dates for the various subseries of Piano 3 listed in the Basso guide differ slightly from those listed in the finding aid. The dates listed in the description were taken from the finding aid.